In the video series posted below, Matt Walsh, commentator for The DailyWire shows how profoundly disturbing and purely malevolent Vanderbilt Health’s Trans Clinic is. Vanderbilt discusses how profitable trans-surgeries are, warns doctors they should work at another hospital if they feel they cannot perform these surgeries, and other disturbing evidence of how morally corrupt today’s health institutions are.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September","full_text":"Vanderbilt opened its trans clinic in 2018. During a lecture the same year, Dr. Shayne Taylor explained how she convinced Nashville to get into the gender transition game. She emphasized that it’s a "big money maker," especially because the surgeries require a lot of "follow ups" ","username":"MattWalshBlog","name":"Matt Walsh","date":"Tue Sep 20 19:55:30 +0000 2022","photos":[{"img_url":",c_limit/l_twitter_play_button_rvaygk,w_120/o3vjj0gwgm69sb8itrzg","link_url":"","alt_text":null}],"quoted_tweet":{},"retweet_count":8207,"like_count":25920,"expanded_url":{},"video_url":"×360/9s_UO7CYU93NMkA-.mp4?tag=14","belowTheFold":false}”>
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September” target=”_blank”>

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September” target=”_blank”>
Matt Walsh goes on to post several more videos. Here a Vanderbilt admin tells doctors, “if you don’t want to do this kind of work, then don’t work at Vanderbilt.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September","full_text":"Vanderbilt was apparently concerned that not all of its staff would be on board. Dr. Ellen Clayton warned that "conscientious objections" are "problematic." Anyone who decides not to be involved in transition surgeries due to "religious beliefs" will face "consequences" ","username":"MattWalshBlog","name":"Matt Walsh","date":"Tue Sep 20 19:55:41 +0000 2022","photos":[{"img_url":",c_limit/l_twitter_play_button_rvaygk,w_120/j6fwkp4ef51uxbfek7pr","link_url":"","alt_text":null}],"quoted_tweet":{},"retweet_count":5069,"like_count":18643,"expanded_url":{},"video_url":"×270/boKsqWOaz8Qu7sSh.mp4?tag=14","belowTheFold":true}”>
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September” target=”_blank”>

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September” target=”_blank”>
It seems Vanderbilt couldn’t with stand the pressure coming from those of us who have morals and completely removed their trans-clinic website.
Other videos below describe irreversible chemical castration, double mastectomies and hysterectomies performed on children, and assigning “trans-buddies” to go to appointments with these kids, of course, to make them feel more comfortable. We all know it’s so the child will feel guilty if they suddenly change their mind.
These people call themselves healthcare providers when in reality, they hate humans and subscribe to the idea that there are too many people in this world and that taking out a few “producers” will be better for the human race.
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September","full_text":"In case the objectors hadn’t gotten the memo, Vanderbilt unveiled a program called "Trans Buddies." The "buddies" are trans activists from the community who attend appointments with trans patients, monitoring the doctors to guard against "unsafe" behavior such as misgendering ","username":"MattWalshBlog","name":"Matt Walsh","date":"Tue Sep 20 19:55:55 +0000 2022","photos":[{"img_url":",c_limit/l_twitter_play_button_rvaygk,w_120/al5df4fejze7bqwnrkqe","link_url":"","alt_text":null}],"quoted_tweet":{},"retweet_count":3114,"like_count":14013,"expanded_url":{},"video_url":"×360/rKY94r_RJc6A3PLf.mp4?tag=14","belowTheFold":true}”>
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September” target=”_blank”>

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September” target=”_blank”>
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September","full_text":"Vanderbilt makes their Trans Buddies available to children, too. They make lots of "services" available to children, including chemical castration. Though at some point in the last month they removed explicit admission of this fact from their site. Here’s the archived screenshot ","username":"MattWalshBlog","name":"Matt Walsh","date":"Tue Sep 20 19:55:56 +0000 2022","photos":[{"img_url":"","link_url":"","alt_text":null}],"quoted_tweet":{},"retweet_count":2960,"like_count":13861,"expanded_url":{},"video_url":null,"belowTheFold":true}”>
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September” target=”_blank”>

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September” target=”_blank”>
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September","full_text":"But they must have forgot to delete a video from Vanderbilt Psychiatry’s Youtube channel back in 2020 which admits explicitly that they will give and have given irreversible hormone drugs to children as young as 13. ","username":"MattWalshBlog","name":"Matt Walsh","date":"Tue Sep 20 19:56:05 +0000 2022","photos":[{"img_url":",c_limit/l_twitter_play_button_rvaygk,w_120/am5iiomadr17pxsufcgs","link_url":"","alt_text":null}],"quoted_tweet":{},"retweet_count":4152,"like_count":16288,"expanded_url":{},"video_url":"×360/GYvfPVZg311f4f7m.mp4?tag=14","belowTheFold":true}”>
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September” target=”_blank”>

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September” target=”_blank”>
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September","full_text":"After they have drugged and sterilized the kids, Vanderbilt — as explained in this video presentation by plastic surgeon Julien Winocour and Physician’s Assistant Shalyn Vanderbloemen — will happily perform double mastectomies on adolescent girls. ","username":"MattWalshBlog","name":"Matt Walsh","date":"Tue Sep 20 19:56:14 +0000 2022","photos":[{"img_url":",c_limit/l_twitter_play_button_rvaygk,w_120/irzjtmvxjxelh5tju9ix","link_url":"","alt_text":null}],"quoted_tweet":{},"retweet_count":3279,"like_count":13631,"expanded_url":{},"video_url":"×720/3VoFhqcjycI3VsWN.mp4?tag=14","belowTheFold":true}”>
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September” target=”_blank”>

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September” target=”_blank”>
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