
Hold The Line – Tamara Lich

Hold The Line: My story from the heart of the Freedom Convoy - 2023 The media said the Canadian truckers were Russian agents, controlled by Vladimir Putin. Justin Trudeau called them extremists. And the government put the country under martial law to stop them. But what’s the real story? For ...

Raise the Flag and Other Patriotic Canadian Songs and Poems

Raise the Flag, and Other Patriotic Canadian Songs and Poems - 2023 This collection of patriotic songs and poems from Canada includes some of the country's most beloved and inspiring works. With poetry from famous Canadian authors and songs written by leading composers, it is an essential resource for anyone ...

Honking For Freedom: The Trucker Convoy That Gave Us Hope

Honking For Freedom: The Trucker Convoy That Gave Us Hope - 2022 Even Canadians can only take so much. When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau imposed mandates designed to kill the job of every unvaccinated cross-border Canadian trucker — no exceptions — common-sense people rallied by the tens of thousands to ...

Essays, books and ideas to contemplate and download for future reference and to do your own due diligence and to come to your own conclusions.

Deliberate dispossession and the struggle for our autonomy

People across the world being “locked down” in digital prisons during the Covid period was not a one-off event but “the culmination of tendencies which have been at work for a long time”, [1] says French author Aurélien Berlan.The message of Terre et liberté: la quête d’autonomie contre le fantasme de délivrance (‘Land and freedom: the quest for autonomy against the fantasy of deliverance’) is that we have been dispossessed and disempowered – systematically reduced to total dependency on an industrial system that does not wish us well.When one also considers the war on small farmers being conducted under the same Great Reset banner, and the sinister “managed retreat” project to clear people out of the countryside and into smart cities, [2] his warning rings even more true.Berlan writes: “In the 20th century, the working classes of industrialised nations became dependent, for their subsistence, on a system over which they had no control, contrary to the ruling classes.“And as the latter also controlled the state, they had their hands on the power to police and to feed.“We can understand the feeling of powerlessness that has become so widespread today. Consumer society is based on the delegation of our material existence ...

The dark enslaving empire

The dark enslaving empireIs built on massacres and moneyOn puppet police and politiciansOn virtue-signalled violenceOn inversion and infectionOn blackmail and bombsOn petroleum and predationOn gaslighting and greedThe dark enslaving empireIs ruled by the demon they call developmentBy the usury they call growthBy the fabrication they call historyBy the theft they call lawBy the imposture they call authorityBy the occupation they call governmentBy the dictatorship they call democracyThe dark enslaving empireIs stained with deceit beyond beliefWith hypocrisy beyond imaginationWith criminality beyond all limitsWith cruelty beyond understandingWith the screaming deaths of childrenWith the rituals of its terrorWith the evil oozing from its smileThe dark enslaving empireIs mortally afraid of our freedom from fearOf our angry authenticityOf our truth-tellingOf the courage of our convictionsOf our loving and our laughterOf the spirit of our soaringOf the resonance of our revolt[Audio version]Thanks for reading Paul Cudenec! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. Source: Article courtesy of Paul Cudenac. ...

Escaping the industrial nightmare

Whatever happens in Sunday’s bitterly divisive parliamentary elections in France, we can be sure that the next government will be committed to economic growth and technological progress.As the excellent monthly newspaper La Décroissance (“Degrowth”) never ceases to point out, politicians from all sides of the supposedly all-embracing “political spectrum” (including so-called “greens”!) speak as one in condemning the absurd, reactionary suggestion that the future shape of the country should not be dictated by the endless quest for yet more profit and production.Fortunately there is a significant undercurrent of French thinking that fundamentally challenges the narrative spun by the many heads of the financial-industrial Hydra.The fact that there even exists a monthly (and very widely available) newspaper promoting degrowth is an indication of the significance of this movement, as is the anger that it seems to incite not just on the mainstream wing of the criminocracy, but also among its pseudo-radical proxies, who use all the usual smear techniques to attack it.Because the ideas voiced by this undercurrent are generally not accessible to the English-speaking world, I thought I would write reviews of two recent books issued from that milieu.The first of these, that I will describe in this article, is ...

The military-industrial guilt complex

When the smoke cleared in Europe in 1945 it revealed a continent in physical and psychological ruins.Millions lay dead from the second terrible war in a couple of decades; surviving populations were traumatised by bombing raids and invasions; great cities had been reduced to rubble and the US and Soviet military empires were dividing up the spoils between them, imposing economic, cultural and political control over their respective spheres of influence.Added to that was a sense of guilt for what people had learned about the concentration camps – this was centred on Germans, of course, but shared by the rest of Europe, the West, humankind even.This guilt smoothed the way for the long-planned creation of the Zionist state on Palestinian soil, reining back criticism of the project and its supporters.The spectre of the Nazi regime and its crimes was also used to discredit political movements that could plausibly be accused of sharing some aspect of its ideology.Any nationalistic tendencies – whether against US domination, European centralisation or the power of transnational corporations and institutions – could easily be demonised as a resurgence of the Hitlerian horrors.This device was later extended to non-nationalist criticism of the international financial system – we ...

Exposed: how the climate racketeers aim to force us into smart gulags

[This article from The Acorn, which also appears on OffGuardian, is a distillation of the important research carried out by Kate Mason. Please do follow her work directly on her own Substack blog]Shocking evidence is emerging from Australia and New Zealand of how the climate scam is being used to impose a techno-totalitarian smart-city future.The criminocratic global imperialists often use their Commonwealth colonies to try out the most insidious escalations of their tyranny – think of Canada, New Zealand and Australia during Covid.We can therefore assume that this is going to be the blueprint for the roll-out of their Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda across the world.The sinister scheme in question, called “Managed Retreat”, has been exposed by independent researcher Kate Mason on her excellent Substack blog aimed at “deconstructing 4IR narratives”.The idea is that exaggerated “modelling” of the imagined effects of “climate change” is being used to define certain areas as unsuitable for human settlement.Working hand in hand with the state is the insurance industry – long a central part of the corrupt criminocratic empire – which deems homes in these areas to be “uninsurable”.Banks are also playing their part (of course!) saying they are unwilling to provide mortgages for ...

Young Kenyans rise up against the global criminocracy!

[I am sharing this news report written for the Winter Oak site][UPDATE. President Ruto has just announced that the Finance Bill will be withdrawn. It looks like victory for the young protesters, though calls are still being made for him to resign]Tumultuous events have been unfolding in Kenya this week.Thousands upon thousands of young people have been taking to the streets across the east African country in protest at the Finance Bill being imposed by the government of President William Ruto.It was passed by parliament on Tuesday June 25, with opponents warning that it “will raise the cost of living despite many people already struggling to put food on the table”.Although a number of the unpopular proposals were withdrawn at the last minute, this was not enough to quell public anger.In dramatic scenes, protesters stormed parliament buildings in Nairobi, starting a fire.And the police opened fire on the crowds with live bullets.A CNN reporter described how he “saw police shoot dead unarmed young men in front of Kenya’s parliament” and reports say at least five were killed in the capital.By 5.45am on Wednesday June 26, 157 casualties were recorded at Kenyatta National Hospital alone.In Githurai at least 22 people were ...

Electoral fraud: the illusion of democracy

With big elections looming up all over the place, I thought this would be a good moment to remind people of what a fraud they are, on many levels.i. Captured parties.It has become very obvious to very many people, particularly since Covid, that the main political parties everywhere are all controlled by the criminocracy. No politicians are allowed anywhere near power unless they are signed up to the whole agenda of totalitarian “sustainable development”, public-private “partnership”, pouring money into Ukraine and pretending that Israel is not carrying out mass murder in Gaza. Control of the political parties has been in place for a very long time indeed, not just by means of bribery and blackmail but also through infiltration by the public-funded “intelligence” services set up to serve the criminocrats’ interests. Even the smallest and most insignificant political group is targeted and it is only a matter of time before any new initiative, no matter how genuine, will be taken over. If it cannot be successfully turned in a direction that suits the powers-that-shouldn’t-be, it will be destroyed from the inside by bitter disputes and splits, playing on existing fault lines and personal weaknesses.ii. Why parties anyway?A month or two ...

A self-conscious philosophy of resistance

There have always been two prongs to my writing – as well as analysing and exposing the criminocratic agenda, I try to counter it with a coherent alternative worldview.I have often pointed out that these two prongs belong to one and the same political pitchfork, but I think I got this across particularly clearly in the talk I gave in Edinburgh, Scotland, on May 30 2024 (on video here and here).There I described how the philosophy that I call organic radicalism can be regarded as the ideological counterpart to the understanding and critique of corrupt contemporary society that the system labels “conspiracy theory”.Once somebody has seen through one particular set of official lies they find themselves in a different political dimension.As well as becoming aware of the truth hidden by the specific manipulation they have seen through, they also grasp the broader context of those lies.They start to see how our understanding of reality is restricted and distorted by the system and also for what purposes this is carried out in so many areas of life.The further they look into all this, the more they become horribly aware that everything most people think is true, is fake.They realise that we ...

Evil beyond words

In a previous phase of my existence I used to pen regular film reviews for the local paper at which I worked.I got into the habit of writing these as soon as possible after I had seen the film in question, so that I would still be in touch with the impression that it had made on me and remember the salient details.So it’s somewhat surprising for me to realise that I have taken several weeks to write about the film I am going to describe.What has happened, I think, is that it made a very deep impression on me that I have needed time to fully process.Les Survivantes (‘the female survivors’, literally, or perhaps better rendered as ‘the women who survived’) is a new French documentary from director Pierre Barnérias, known for his 2020 exposé of the Covid scam, Hold-Up.Given the vitriol and censorship aimed at that film, and given the even more controversial subject matter of Les Survivantes, I would have expected only to have been able to view it via some rebellious non-corporate website.So it was a little surreal to find myself sitting down to watch it at a massive multiplex cinema in an out-of-town commercial zone ...

Wars, resets and the global criminocracy

This article was written as a contribution to the 2024 Chisinau Forum: ‘Unrestricted warfare: a holistic approach to the Great Reset’.Over the last few years, I have been doing a bit of research into the connections and parallels between the Great Reset and war.Although my focus has been mostly on the First World War, I have come to the conclusion – shocking for some, perhaps, but utterly unsurprising for others – that the agenda behind all modern wars is the same as that behind the Great Reset, Fourth Industrial Revolution, New World Order or whatever else you choose to call it.This agenda – a long-term and multi-faceted agenda – is that of the entity I have taken to calling the criminocracy, a global mafia which, as I explained in my booklet Enemies of the People, is dominated by the Rothschild financial and industrial empire.The overall aim is the consolidation and expansion of the criminocracy’s power and wealth, the two terms being virtually synonymous in this corrupted era that René Guénon termed the Reign of Quantity.We can break this down into three aspects:Short-term goals – ie: given that the whole thing is ultimately about money, immediate financial advantage.Medium-term goals – ie: ...

Joined dots and spontaneous synchronicity

1. Joined dotsOver the last few years I have presented and compiled vast amounts of information on the activities and nature of the thing I call the criminocracy.Here is a list, with links, of specific subjects that have been covered on the Winter Oak site by me and other contributors:Charles IIIThe CommonwealthThe Church of EnglandThe PopeTony BlairChatham HouseKlaus SchwabThe Great ResetThe WEFWEF Global ShapersThe First World WarUkraine-Russia warFake terrorismFalse-flag terrorismThe climate scamDevelopmentSustainable developmentBRICSBRICS and ChinaChina and BRICSThe OlympicsImpact slaveryRonald CohenSmart citiesSmart stationsEugenicsVaccinesMore on vaccinesBill GatesThe chemicals industryCommunismGlobal governance and the leftFascism and the leftFunding of left activismInfiltrationFake-right oppositionThe Edge FundIntersectionalityRepressionGlobal inquisitionCensorshipManipulationFake anti-semitismSmearsMore smearsGlobal corruptionThe RothschildsMore on the RothschildsLooking back over all this, I think I can say that the dots have been joined.Not every single one of them, of course – there is still plenty of detail to be revealed – but enough dots and joinings for an intelligent reader to be able to identify the shape and scale of the criminocratic beast.Of course there will always be those who, for whatever reason, refuse to acknowledge the existence of what is clearly visible to anyone paying full attention.Commentators, on social media mainly, try to dispute this reality in a number ...

Power and corruption: the public-private imperial mafia

Chatham House, the name commonly given to The Royal Institute of International Affairs, is an extremely influential “think tank” based in London.It has enjoyed the patronage of the British monarchy for a century now, with Charles III recently joining the list of royal backers.Director Bronwen Maddox said on May 9 2024: “Chatham House is delighted to accept the Patronage of The King, a great help in advancing our work on the security, prosperity and sustainability of the world”.Upcoming events include sessions on “US priorities in the Indo-Pacific“, “Recalibrating our assumptions on cybersecurity” and “Solutions for a world in conflict“.Readers of the “insider” US historian Professor Carroll Quigley will know that he identified Chatham House as the most important vehicle for the public-private Anglo-American Establishment that he saw dominating the corridors of power on both sides of the Atlantic.It was formally established in 1920, gaining its Royal charter in 1926, and a sister organisation, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), was set up in the USA.Quigley refers to the movers and shakers behind these organisations as the “Milner Group”, because of the key role of journalist turned civil servant Alfred Milner (pictured), which seems to have begun after a dinner with ...