Ideas & Essays

Essays, books and ideas to contemplate and download for future reference and to do your own due diligence and to come to your own conclusions.

The spirit of Sophia: nature and grace

“This was the Beauty and excellence of Eternal Nature, that all her divided, contrary properties were united into one undivided property in the Eternal Earth, where all their contrarieties were reduced to the most perfect union, agreement and harmony”. [1]So writes the English mystic John Pordage in his 1683 work Theologia Mystica or The Mystic Divine of the Aeternal Invisibles, an extract of which is included in The Heavenly Country: An Anthology of Primary Sources, Poetry, and Critical Essays on Sophiology, a book which I introduced in my last essay.He identifies “Natural Goodness” in the way that the archetypal elements around us, his “aeternal invisibles”, complement and harmonise with each other within the Whole.“All these qualifying powers of Nature have sensibility and mobility in themselves, whereby they can feel and taste one another’s properties”. [2]This Natural Goodness, the divine wisdom behind the beauty and harmony in the world, is sometimes personified as Sophia, whose tradition is the subject of The Heavenly Country.One of the contributors, contemporary academic Brent Dean Robbins, looks in detail at the notion of Natura naturans, nature that is never a finished product and always in a state of becoming, referring in particular to the work of ...

The spirit of Sophia: wild air and wisdom

I must have been around 15 years old when I first realised that there was something deeply wrong with modern society.A few years later I had noticed that this situation was getting markedly worse and, a bit later still, it dawned on me that, in addition, the rate of this decline was rapidly accelerating!Of course, I initially had no idea why things were so fundamentally out of kilter and sliding ever further towards disaster.But I eventually understood that the problem did not come from outside England – from Americanisation, the threat of Soviet Communism or European centralisation, as people assumed – but was largely hosted in the capital city in whose suburbs I had grown up.In recent years I have also become increasingly aware of the spiritual nature of this malaise.The financial-industrial imperial beast has a black heart.It not only works hard to eradicate all true spirit and soul from our lives, but it also infects us with its perverted anti-spirit.I have come to see that it is nothing less than a manifestation of evil – an evil that will end up destroying humankind and our world, if we do not defeat it.Our struggle against this malignant entity must therefore ...

An equinox talk in England

I know I have shared this flyer before but, since the date is rapidly approaching, I thought I would highlight it again - in case anyone missed it!Thanks for reading Paul Cudenec! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. Source: Article courtesy of Paul Cudenac. ...

Fake food alert: the global mafia's new assault on our health

The global mafia is trying to replace our real food with a fake gene-edited variety, without even telling us it is doing so.It wants to change regulations so that natural food and GM lab food are legally regarded as the same thing!This is not some “conspiracy theory”, but a very real proposal currently being pushed through by corporate-controlled authorities.It is happening in Australia and New Zealand – longstanding colonies of the dark enslaving empire which are often used as testbeds for new forms of oppression.But you can be sure that – if they get away with it – this will then be rolled out everywhere.Researcher Kate Mason is sounding the alarm and urging people in Australia and New Zealand to send in their objections before the fast-approaching deadline of Tuesday September 10 (6pm Canberra time). You can read her report here and watch her video here.She explains that FSANZ, Australia and New Zealand’s Food Authority, is proposing changes to the Food Standard which would deregulate gene-edited foods and deny customers any labelling.Kate warns that this would allow the global processed food industry to self-regulate all gene-edited foods!“Yet the gene-edited foods made with CRISPR, that FSANZ calls NBTs (New Breeding Techniques), ...

Fake living versus the happiness of truth

What I like most about fellow English anarchist Darren Allen is how he manages to so utterly condemn the miserable condition of contemporary society, while at the same time insisting on metaphysical truth that puts that sorry state of affairs into context.This is very much the case with his latest book, The Fire Sermon: The Unbelievable & Unacceptable Truth, [1] which he claims was written by Modra the Monkey God, with only some “help” from himself.However, having read and reviewed some of Allen’s previous work, [2] I very much recognise his pen and am going to have to call out this imposture and identify the non-divine Allen as the sole author of this sermon!The book is a smallish one, of fewer than 200 pages and, with its rather beautiful cover and numerous illustrations, I suspect that Allen is reaching for a wider, and perhaps younger, public.Not that this holds him back from the scathing indictments of the modern world for which he has become renown.Allen has Modra the Monkey God tell his human readers: “Now you live in a world without the wild, which means without death, without freedom and without real mystery. That’s why you are all so bored, ...

The corruption is real and sickening

The difference between conspiracy realists and conspiracy deniers is, of course, that the latter never question anything, never think for themselves, never do their own research.They simply lap up every last drop of drivel and delusion presented to them, including the laughable conceit that in so doing they are proving themselves somehow more “advanced”, more “adult”, more “astute” than those tin-foil-hat-wearing idiots who dare challenge official top-down truth.As they remain rooted to their theatre seats, stuffing their faces with propaganda popcorn and fizzy fakery, their scientifically-sealed minds cannot even grasp the possibility that others might have taken the initiative to have a peek backstage and work out what The Spectacle is all about.I don’t suppose there are many conspiracy deniers reading this, but just in case one or two have wandered in by mistake, here are some more stones to look under, if you can find the courage to face the reality of the seething maggot-infested corruption that lies beneath the surface of our society.First of all, have a read of Hedley Rees’ Inside Pharma blog and in particular his reporting on what he describes as “the latest Big Pharma feeding frenzy”.He points us to the existence of an annual ...

Authenticity: a quality to defeat quantity

I use the word “authentic” quite a lot in my writing: it describes, for me, an essential quality that is at the heart of everything I consider good.Like many adjectives, it means slightly different things in different contexts, but its most obvious use is as a synonym of “genuine”.Its opposite, in this case, would be “fake” or “false” and so we might conclude that “authentic” relates mainly to veracity, to truth.But there is more to it than that. If, for example, I bought some “farmhouse cider” and later discovered that it was produced in a large factory on an industrial estate next to the motorway, I might judge that this was not authentic “farmhouse cider”.However, what if the product was truthfully named “cider produced in a large factory on an industrial estate next to the motorway”?Would that surprising veracity mean that the product was now authentic?Not for me, no – so my understanding of authenticity evidently goes deeper than the truthfulness, or not, of the label attached to something.It reaches, in fact, into that something’s origins, the source from which it has emerged.An authentic folk culture, for instance, would be one that had been handed down from generation to generation ...

The strange career of Samantha Cohen

As I have written before, the last few years of reading and researching have left me in no doubt concerning the reach and nature of the dark enslaving empire.On a couple of occasions recently, I have thought to myself that I have pretty much come to the end of the road in terms of exposing the global entity, as opposed to countering it.I think I have supplied sufficient evidence to show what it amounts to – and those who, for whatever reason, still don’t wish to accept this reality will in all probability not change their minds on account of a few more facts and connections.But then, each time, I come across something that really needs to be shared and yet another article is born.Those who have read my piece on Chatham House may recall how the career histories of particular individuals was very revealing of the overall – officially non-existent! – Leviathan to which they owe their allegiance.These faithful servants of the empire flit effortlessly back and forth between posts in government, finance, industry and global institutions, weaving a web of full-spectrum corruption and control which is lent apparent respectability by “Royal” patronage.I recently came across another particularly intriguing ...

Change for the better?

The nature writer Richard Jefferies, a great inspiration for me, explained once why he always went for the same country walk and did not go elsewhere for a change.He wrote: “I do not want change; I want the same old and loved things, the same wild flowers, the same trees and soft ash-green; the turtle-doves, the blackbirds, the coloured yellow-hammer, sing, sing, singing so long as there is light to cast a shadow on the dial, for such is the measure of his song, and I want them in the same place”. [1]His words resonate strongly with me. I, too, do the same walks time and time again without ever growing tired of them.I also generally feel there is a great benefit to be had from viewing life from a fixed spot.For one thing, intimate long-term knowledge of the land allows you to feel its cycles, providing a rooted rhythm for your own living.It also allows you to see the changes that take place over the years, in a way that you obviously cannot do if you flit around all over the place.It was, for instance, my quarter of a century in West Sussex that allowed me to understand the ...

Against the Dark Enslaving Empire!

It can be a strange feeling, at times, to be putting forward an understanding of the world that differs so radically from that generally accepted by my contemporaries.Recently I found myself wondering, as I tried to summarise my findings to some acquaintances, whether I was really on the right track.The sheer enormity of what I was describing – the utter unbelievability from a ‘mainstream’ perspective – momentarily struck me with doubt.Was I wrong about all this? Had I somehow lost my way and wandered off into some credulous cul-de-sac?I am happy to report that the work of putting together my new book, Against the Dark Enslaving Empire! A condemnation of the global criminocratic conspiracy, has definitively relieved me of any such misgivings!In itself, the very task of transforming hundreds of online hyperlinks into book-friendly endnotes has reminded me that the conclusions I draw do not come from nowhere.Everything I have written about the identity and nature of the criminocracy is based on solid evidence.And, indeed, it was this evidence that led me to the position I now take. I was not looking to discover this particular reality and had no existing hypothesis for which I needed to cobble together proof.Step ...

The two-way mirror of oppression

by Paul Cudenec“Two-way mirror” must be one of the more misleading terms in the English language.It is defined by my dictionary as “a half-silvered sheet of glass that functions as a mirror when viewed from one side but is translucent from the other”.It is therefore not so much two-way as doubly one-way, both in terms of its role as a mirror and as a window.The most obvious use of this one-way/two-way device is to spy on people.Behind what appears to be an ordinary mirror in a hotel or an interview room hide people who are watching what is going on without their victims’ knowledge or consent.If one imagines this spying device as horizontal, rather than vertical, it makes an excellent metaphor for the society in which we currently live.Up above sit those who designed the “mirror”, watching from the translucent side every last movement made by their prey.Down below are those who pour their life energy into increasing the wealth and power of the parasite class.All they see above them is a mirror, which seems to confirm that their little prison-world is all that there is.If sometimes they find their lives slightly unpleasant, unhealthy, unnatural and restricted, this is, they ...

Transhumanism: capital-driven colonisation of the living

[The latest profile that I have added to the Organic Radicals site]Jennifer Bilek is a contemporary artist [1] and journalist who has led the way in challenging the transhumanist agenda being promoted by the global system.Typically for an organic radical thinker, she finds no place for herself in the usual “political” categories used to restrict our understanding.As she explains on her 11th Hour blog: “I have been on the left side of politics all my life, until now, where I find myself in a political wilderness, with no political home”. [2]She recounts in a May 2024 interview that she grew her “sea legs” as a journalist during the 2011 Occupy Wall Street movement in New York. [3]Bilek wrote in 2018: “As an environmental activist who was deplatformed from a speaking venue by transactivists, in 2013 I developed curiosity about the power of this group to force this development”. [4]She said that a year later, when Time magazine announced a transgender tipping point on its cover, she had already begun to examine the money behind the transgender industry.Her conclusion, after years of detailed research, is that “transgender” is not a type of person but a conglomerate of political and corporate pressure, ...

Hold The Line – Tamara Lich

Hold The Line: My story from the heart of the Freedom Convoy - 2023 The media said the Canadian truckers were Russian agents, controlled by Vladimir Putin. Justin Trudeau called them extremists. And the government put the country under martial law to stop them. But what’s the real story? For ...

Raise the Flag and Other Patriotic Canadian Songs and Poems

Raise the Flag, and Other Patriotic Canadian Songs and Poems - 2023 This collection of patriotic songs and poems from Canada includes some of the country's most beloved and inspiring works. With poetry from famous Canadian authors and songs written by leading composers, it is an essential resource for anyone ...

Honking For Freedom: The Trucker Convoy That Gave Us Hope

Honking For Freedom: The Trucker Convoy That Gave Us Hope - 2022 Even Canadians can only take so much. When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau imposed mandates designed to kill the job of every unvaccinated cross-border Canadian trucker — no exceptions — common-sense people rallied by the tens of thousands to ...